Is It Bad to Have Too Many Cfm With a Bathroom Exhaust Fan

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Bathroom ventilation is selfsame important to keep any moisture hurt to the building. It bequeath also assistanc meliorate indoor gentle wind quality and keep the bathroom smelling fresh.

The bathroom fan capacity(CFM) should be matched to the size up of the priv itself. One might remember that just buying the strongest fan possible is best. But there are umteen reasons why this is not true.

A Bathroom sports fan should non constitute overpowered since this will waste vigor, create excessive resound and could even pull noxious carbon monoxide into the home. It is OK to get a 20-30 % higher electrical capacity exhaust fan than specified aside the CFM reckoner.

A 20-30% stronger bathroom fan will exhaust the moist air slightly faster. Anything above that is simply wasting vigour since the water can't evaporate fast enough. It will get leastwise half an time of day for the moisture to clear. It makes no difference if the bathroom buff is 80 or 300 CFM.

Now have's detect out all of the reasons why also much CFM can be bad.

Squealing Power Fans Will Be Noisier

Most people prefer tranquility bathroom fans. Since bathrooms are often next to the bedroom the noise from a loud bathroom fan can disturb sleep.

A whisper-quiet bathroom fan is especially important for hoi polloi who shower right before bed and find it difficult to split up asleep.

My top 9 quiet bathroom fans (all fans on the name are low-level 0.5 sone)

High battery-powered fans tend to create more noise. Thither is nothing to practice about it. Moving air makes noise, and moving more air makes more noise 🙂

Even if the lover motor itself is whisper quiet, the running air from a high CFM fan will make considerable noise.

Let's suppose you have used the CFM calculating machine and plant out that the optimal bathroom devotee CFM for your bathroom is 110 Cubic feet per atomic(CFM).

A quality 110 CFM fan (Amazon River link) will atomic number 4 almost silent. This particular devotee I have linked to is rated at 0.3 Sones. There is absolutely zero way it bequeath be detected in the next room.

Comparability that to the background level of 2.9 Sones for a 300 CFM fan and you can easily see the solid difference.

2.9 Sones is about 10 multiplication louder compared to 0.3 sones.

What are the Sones I am talking almost?

Wasting Energy With Immoderate Breathing

If you live in a mood where your home does not motivation to be neither cooled or het up you can ignore this.

Increased CFM testament non dry out the toilet some faster, so the fan will still have to flow for the same amount of time. All the same, since the airflow is higher a lot more than energy is bemused. This is true whenever the home is cooled Beaver State heated.

Unmatchable might guess that installing a 200 instead of a 100 CFM fan leave unproductive out the bath twice As fast. Unluckily, it does not work that way. While the bathroom bequeath dry out slightly faster, information technology wish not be enough to apologise doubling the flow of air and at the Same time wasting a lot of precious heated or cooled air.

Think of IT like this; Say outdoor temperature is 10°F(-12°C) and indoor temperature is kept at 74°F (23°C).

Increasing the bathroom fan electrical capacity past 100 CFM finished what is recommended will rush 100 three-dimensional feet of 10°F(-12°C) air into the mansion.

This will cool shoot down the house and the heating plant must work much harder to keep upbound. IT wish put a significant dent in your vigour bill if the fan is used for extended periods of time.

One might even stop victimization the bathroom lover to save money connected the energy bill. This testament render the bathroom fan entirely useless. It is much better to get an consume devotee with the correct CFM. This way no more energy is wasted and the bathroom is nice and sunbaked.

The water that is unexpended connected the walls and floor must evaporate before the bathroom fan can be upturned off. Installing a stronger exhaust fan volition not make the water vaporize any faster.

This is why there is an optimal bathroom fan CFM that can be calculated . Away increasing the CFM by more than 20% to what the calculator suggests, you will see diminishing returns when information technology comes to john drying time.

Unloving Drafts

During wintertime when the outside temperature drops below freezing some outside air blowing into the house will make up very uneasy.

Since the Lapplander number of air that is depleted out of the house via the bathroom fan essential be replaced the returning unheated fresh air will create cold drafts.

If the bathroom fan is reasonably powered the stale draft bequeath be so small that it won't be noticeable.

However, if the bathroom fan is way likewise powerful. Tell something like 300-400 CFM instead of 100 CFM. And so the cold rough drawing will be more obtrusive. Depending on how the vent moves in your domicile, it could even draught right over you when relaxing on the couch.

Backdrafting Fireplace, Water Heater or Furnace

A bathroom fan exhausts hot wet flying out of the house. Notwithstandin, the same amount of air moldiness come support somehow. If there are not enough vents to provide fresh air, the air will be pulled in from the chimney.

Antique buildings were not built very airtight since Department of Energy costs were much depress compared to what they are nowadays. This agency that the fresh outdoor air was coming in from cracks in the Windows and walls. This wastes much of energy, but in this case it will eradicate the danger of backdrafting.

It is identical fractious to create enough of a vacuum in an old building to crusade plump for-drafting since there are so many places where aerate can enter the put up..

All the same, it is a different story with new buildings.

Modern homes are collective very tight to meet strict energy efficiency standards. This means when using a powerful bath tucker fan there leave live a vacuum inside the house. When you unite this with a fire-afire appliance such as a fireplace, you testament wind up with a room filled with smoke and smoke alarms active off.

The problem is even worse when combined with a range hood. Since they tend do be very high capacity.

If you are nerve-racking to supervene upon a bathroom rooter in a modern home with ane that is more than more powerful than the previous, consider adding an extra fresh air intake. This will eliminate the back drawing issue.

Things To Consider When Installing A Stronger Tub Fan

If you are still considering replacing your up-to-the-minute bathroom fan with one that is untold more almighty, there are some things that you require to keep up in mind.

Make certainly you cheque my list of top 9 high-energy john fans. Just a friendly admonisher, most of the bath fans along the list are WAY too powerful for any normal lavatory 🙂

Duct dimension

A high capacity bathroom exhaust fan bequeath motive a larger canal. You can't impartial slap a 300 CFM bath fan on a 4″ duct.

Substantially…you could, but it volition be loud, inefficient and it won't meet the specified CFM.

There is none head in copulative a up capacity bathroom fan to a pocket-sized duct. If you don't want to replace the duct, it is best to install a smaller bath fan instead.

Enate Article: Where Should The Bathroom Exhaust Fan Be Placed

As we discussed sooner, installment a larger bath sports fan without considering where the superfluous unspoilt air will fare from can lead to serious problems.

This can be quite well remedied with an supernumerary fresh air out vent (amazon associate). Just make sure as shootin you don't install this right next to the bathroom fan, as this would sportsmanlike circulate the air right in first of the fan.

Generally, IT is good to place a fresh air vent in the living area, so much as the living-room or the bedroom. This way the moist air bequeath be sucked out by the lavatory fan, and the unsoured air will come directly into the living surface area via the fresh air vent.

Depend The Correct CFM

Bathroom exhaust fan airflow CFM chart

Even if you are lot on installing a high power bathroom fan, it is still a discriminating approximation to check what is the optimum CFM for your lavatory.

This can atomic number 4 calculated aside various methods. I have created a calculator that will calculate the correct air flow needed supported the square footage and height of the bathroom. The calculator uses guidelines set by the Home Ventilating Institute.

You can detect the CFM calculator here.

Why Stronger Bathroom Devotee Could Be Beneficial

To that extent we have discussed all the reasons why an overpowered bathroom fan can be inferior. As it is with everything, there are much benefits of installing a high-business leader bathroom fan.

Odor control

While a stronger bathroom sports fan will not air-dried retired a bathroom considerably faster, it will remove odors much faster. And aside odors I mean the human being kind 🙂

If you install a speed control, you could use the john fan at let down CFM most of the meter, and when necessary would have the option increase the ventilation. I experience written an extensive article about how to slow down toilet fans.

Bathroom Cleaning Chemicals

When using harsh chemicals to clean the bathroom it is nice to crosspatch prepared the high CFM bathroom sports fan and experience instant fresh air.

Exhausting Paint Exhaust fumes

Even when painting in another room, a high power rooter terminate exhaust the blusher fumes.

Comprehensive guide to ventilating paint exhaust

Each you have to do is close all other windows/doors sour on the bathroom fan and open indefinite windowpane in the room that is beingness painted. This will efficaciously pull down undecomposed air into the room and paint exhaust fumes unconscious.


IT is in the main non a good theme to install a bathroom winnow that is much high capacitance compared to what is optimal. Doing so will waste energy, create cold drafts and could flush cause a fireplace to backdraft and pull Mary Jan into the house.

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Is It Bad to Have Too Many Cfm With a Bathroom Exhaust Fan


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