If You Ask Me And Of Course You Won't Pdf Free Download UPDATED

If You Ask Me And Of Course You Won't Pdf Free Download

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Miranda Reads
If one has no sense of humor, 1 is in trouble.
Oh Betty, yous are besides precious for this world.

Betty White is a true American icon - she's simply magnificent from her candy-floss hair to her tippy-toes.

You don't luck into integrity. You work at it.
Betty White disperses advice and anecdotes in her novel - anywhere from her success to her pets to crumbling in Hollywood.

I absolutely adored this novel - Betty is hilarious and an absolute doll through and through.

I loved her attitude when she t

If 1 has no sense of humor, one is in trouble.
Oh Betty, you are too precious for this world.

Betty White is a truthful American icon - she's simply magnificent from her candy-floss hair to her tippy-toes.

You don't luck into integrity. You work at it.
Betty White disperses communication and anecdotes in her novel - anywhere from her success to her pets to aging in Hollywood.

I admittedly adored this novel - Betty is hilarious and an absolute doll through and through.

I loved her mental attitude when she talks about animals and why they are then important to her life.

Animals don't lie. Animals don't criticize. If animals have moody days, they handle them better than humans do.
In add-on, I really enjoyed how Betty talks about getting older and loving it.
And so you may non be as fast on your feet, and the paradigm in your mirror may exist a piddling disappointing, but if you lot are still functioning and not in pain, gratitude should be the name of the game.
If I could be half the woman Betty White when I get to her historic period...

Audiobook Comments
Betty White read her novel - and she is the best.

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May 20, 2011 rated information technology liked information technology
Back in the sixties, there was a homo on our block who worked at a telly studio as a phase hand. He once told me that at that place was a lot of dead time during the shootings while he waited to modify the sets. The guys would go over to the studio where they were filming the Boob tube game bear witness Password. The attraction: watching Betty White cuss and swear betwixt takes. He told me, "She actually has a mouth on her only she is so sweet and funny it'due south hilarious."

When a friend loaned me this volume, I thought it

Back in the sixties, there was a man on our block who worked at a television studio equally a stage paw. He in one case told me that there was a lot of dead time during the shootings while he waited to change the sets. The guys would become over to the studio where they were filming the TV game show Password. The attraction: watching Betty White cuss and swear betwixt takes. He told me, "She actually has a mouth on her but she is so sweet and funny it's hilarious."

When a friend loaned me this book, I thought it was an autobiography. But she already wrote v of those. If Yous Inquire Me is more than of a reflection on various aspects in her life, noticeably the last fifteen years. It'due south a very fast read. I finished information technology in ane morning. Simply information technology impressed me because it confirmed how I envisioned the 89 yr old actress. Sweet, funny and totally down to world. The closest thing to raunchiness is when a reporter asked her if there was anything in life she wanted to do and she answered, "Robert Redford." Redford responded to her with a poem which she refuses to share with the states. Nigh of her reflections are simply practiced communication on how to live a satisfying life which is e'er squeamish to hear. If You Ask Me was a dainty way to spend a morning with a personality whose greatest talent is that she was simply always there.

Jan 28, 2022 rated information technology really liked it
Betty White is timeless, appealing to all generations. She was a humble, grateful, down-to-earth, classy woman, genuine in her advice, and always maintaining a positive outlook. I enjoyed learning more about her personality and interests, and wish I could accept known her. Conversations with such an upbeat, personable, and interesting person would have flowed naturally and readily, and would have left me cheered, amused, and gratified.

I don't know how much I liked the book as compared to how much

Betty White is timeless, appealing to all generations. She was a apprehensive, grateful, down-to-world, swish woman, 18-carat in her communication, and always maintaining a positive outlook. I enjoyed learning more virtually her personality and interests, and wish I could accept known her. Conversations with such an upbeat, personable, and interesting person would have flowed naturally and readily, and would have left me cheered, amused, and gratified.

I don't know how much I liked the volume as compared to how much I similar Betty White. I admit I may have rated this college merely because of my fondness for her. But through the pages, Betty left a vivid remembrance of her essence. Her grace, wisdom, and entertaining means have left a positive mark on me and many others.

Jason Koivu
First off, is at that place anyone who doesn't dear Betty White? You show me that person and I will...oh yous don't want to know what I'll do! At that place's no room on this planet for haters of lovely quondam ladies! Hold me dorsum! I'k not responsible for my deportment!

If you don't love her volume, well, that's another thing.

Her latest autobiography If You Ask Me, is a slim volume that relates a few enjoyable anecdotes almost showbiz, gives advice on acting, and talks about her beloved of animals. In that location'due south nada earth-shat

Kickoff off, is there anyone who doesn't love Betty White? Yous show me that person and I will...oh you don't desire to know what I'll exercise! There'due south no room on this planet for haters of lovely old ladies! Concord me back! I'm non responsible for my actions!

If you don't love her book, well, that's another thing.

Her latest autobiography If You Ask Me, is a slim volume that relates a few enjoyable anecdotes about showbiz, gives advice on acting, and talks virtually her love of animals. There'southward nothing earth-shattering hither and y'all'll probably only discover yourself chuckling at a few of the passages, but regardless it's nonetheless an overall good read and I'm not 100% sure why. What can I say, the adult female is mannerly.


...more than
Kelly (and the Book Boar)
Notice all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

I grabbed this from the library after seeing my friend HFK's review a week or and so ago when I was looking for something new to mind to on the drive to and from work. This fit perfectly into my 15-20 commute window and I was able to finish it in just a couple of days. While there's nothing real deep about this selection, if you like Betty White - you should like it but fine. And if you don't like Betty White?????

Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

I grabbed this from the library afterward seeing my friend HFK's review a week or and so agone when I was looking for something new to mind to on the drive to and from piece of work. This fit perfectly into my 15-20 commute window and I was able to end information technology in but a couple of days. While in that location'south nada real deep about this selection, if you like Betty White - you should like it just fine. And if you don't similar Betty White?????

...more than
*** iii.44 ***

"..."Animals don't lie. Animals don't criticize. If animals accept moody days, they handle them better than humans do."..."

I love Betty White! I don't recall that anything she does or touches could e'er be atrocious, but I do accept to acknowledge, this volume of biographical musings is not the all-time she has e'er written. She was 89 years sometime when she wrote it and the cadence of the prose and way of writing brand you experience like your grandma is telling y'all stories of her daily life. Nothing is incorrect

*** 3.44 ***

"..."Animals don't lie. Animals don't criticize. If animals have moody days, they handle them ameliorate than humans do."..."

I dear Betty White! I don't call up that anything she does or touches could always be awful, merely I do have to admit, this volume of biographical musings is not the best she has e'er written. She was 89 years old when she wrote it and the cadence of the prose and fashion of writing make you feel like your grandma is telling you stories of her daily life. Null is wrong with it, and Betty is a wonderful grandma to listens stories from, only there was nix exceptional near information technology. Very pleasant, very touching, only considering every bit most all of us, I have watched and loved the woman for the whole of my life, so just the sentiment alone makes you lot feel warm and cuddly on the inside. But it is what it is - Betty gifts the states with a scrap more of herself at this fourth dimension in her life and nosotros can merely say give thanks y'all and go along doting her from a far:):):)

"..."Information technology's [old historic period] not a surprise, nosotros knew it was coming – brand the most of it. So you may not be as fast on your feet, and the prototype in your mirror may be a little disappointing, but if you are however performance and not in pain, gratitude should exist the name of the game."..."

The volume is just snippets and opinions, a lot about her love for animals and some most her passion - showbiz! Enjoyed a lot, but I was hoping for a chip more... Still, if yous are a fan of Betty, everything she writes is a treat!

"..."That's when y'all take to remember that image in the mirror and not let success go to you. It is important that you not believe your ain publicity. Be grateful for whatever praise y'all receive, but accept information technology with a grain of table salt."..."

I wish y'all all Happy Reading and many more wonderful books to come!

...more than
Katie B
Aug 12, 2018 rated information technology liked it
I saw this at my local library and I instantly got a large cheesy grin on my face. Heck yeah I had to pick information technology upwardly. This is the 6th book Betty White has written but the get-go I have had the pleasance of reading. I assume her other books comprise the bulk of her life stories every bit this one didn't incorporate a lot of substance. That'southward not to say I didn't enjoy information technology but even at 250+ pages this is an extremely quick read. Virtually a quarter of the volume is just photos and title pages. The margins on the pages are p I saw this at my local library and I instantly got a big cheesy grin on my face. Heck yeah I had to pick it up. This is the sixth book Betty White has written simply the kickoff I have had the pleasance of reading. I assume her other books incorporate the bulk of her life stories as this i didn't contain a lot of substance. That'southward not to say I didn't savour it but fifty-fifty at 250+ pages this is an extremely quick read. Near a quarter of the volume is just photos and championship pages. The margins on the pages are pretty wide and then this is a book that can hands be read in a mean solar day. To be honest almost of the book just states things I already knew about Betty such as she loves Allen and still feels his presence years after his death, is grateful for her career, and is highly involved with animal charities. Betty is so darn charming though that this is nonetheless an enjoyable read even if there isn't a lot of meat to the book. ...more than
Nov 27, 2019 rated it liked information technology
Short, simple, and sweet. I enjoyed learning some things nearly Betty White that I didn't know. I hear there are a lot of photos in this book, so kind of regretting listening to it on Audio, just she narrates it herself then that's a big plus! Short, simple, and sweet. I enjoyed learning some things about Betty White that I didn't know. I hear in that location are a lot of photos in this book, and so kind of regretting listening to it on Audio, but she narrates it herself then that's a big plus! ...more than
If you Ask Me: And of Course Y'all Won't narrated by the author, Betty White, is simply delightful.

She talks about all kinds of different subjects, just the majority of them involved animals and how much she loves them. And I love that about her.

The only flaw I establish with this is that it was besides short. I love you Betty, but I needed more!

If yous adore Betty White, then I highly recommend you listen to her characterize this audiobook!

If you Enquire Me: And of Course You Won't narrated by the author, Betty White, is simply delightful.

She talks most all kinds of different subjects, but the majority of them involved animals and how much she loves them. And I love that about her.

The only flaw I institute with this is that it was too short. I dearest you Betty, simply I needed more!

If you lot adore Betty White, so I highly recommend you lot listen to her narrate this audiobook!


iii.5 stars :)

How tin can you not love Betty White ? :)

A fun drove of reminisces, an added bonus listening to information technology in Betty's voice... she's ambrosial and I want to adopt her as a grandma :)

My favorite anecdotes were the ones from the proposal, the time she locked herself out of the house, and virtually her animals.

Not much to say except this was a fun read... bank check information technology out:)

iii.5 stars :)

How can you non love Betty White ? :)

A fun collection of reminisces, an added bonus listening to it in Betty's voice... she'south adorable and I want to prefer her equally a grandma :)

My favorite anecdotes were the ones from the proposal, the time she locked herself out of the firm, and about her animals.

Not much to say except this was a fun read... check it out:)

Beth K.
Awwwww, Betty White. I oasis't had grandparents in years and I want her! She loves animals peradventure more than I do and she has a room full of stuffed ones (not taxidermied!). She tells them that she loves them. Out loud.

So once more, Cloris Leachman would exist a adept grandma likewise. She might take a room total of liquor that she talks to.

Awwwww, Betty White. I haven't had grandparents in years and I want her! She loves animals possibly more I practice and she has a room total of blimp ones (not taxidermied!). She tells them that she loves them. Out loud.

Then over again, Cloris Leachman would be a skillful grandma likewise. She might have a room full of liquor that she talks to.

...more than
Laura Noggle
Mar 29, 2019 rated it actually liked it
Guaranteed to make you miss your grandmother.

This audiobook was the bees knees, Betty did a stellar job and I'm not surprised this won a Grammy for All-time Spoken Word Album in 2012.

I got misty eyed more than once, and hearing Betty'southward phonation intermission as she recounted when Butterscotch the horse "had galloped on," was just heartbreaking in a sweetness way.

She is a national treasure!

Super brusque volume, I now have an irresistible want to lookout something with Betty White, specifically You lot Once more, and The Propos

Guaranteed to make you miss your grandmother.

This audiobook was the bees knees, Betty did a stellar job and I'm not surprised this won a Grammy for Best Spoken Word Anthology in 2012.

I got misty eyed more than than one time, and hearing Betty's voice break as she recounted when Butterscotch the horse "had galloped on," was but heartbreaking in a sweet way.

She is a national treasure!

Super short book, I now have an irresistible desire to sentry something with Betty White, specifically You Once more, and The Proposal (both mentioned in the book).

Jan 22, 2022 rated it it was amazing

In this book you'll acquire everything from Bettys's love of French fries & hot dogs (especially the "Betty White Naked Dog" named after her by the famous Pink'south Hot Canis familiaris Visitor in California) to how she enjoys a cocktail with dinner. Only, no sweet tooth! ( She'south already sweet plenty!)

The reader too has the pleasure to travel downward retentivity lane with her battling for animate being welfare & how she came to adopt her furkids. She even befriended a gorilla who learned sign language and slapped the tongue of

In this book you'll learn everything from Bettys's love of French chips & hot dogs (especially the "Betty White Naked Dog" named after her by the famous Pink'southward Hot Domestic dog Company in California) to how she enjoys a cocktail with dinner. But, no sweetness tooth! ( She's already sweetness enough!)

The reader besides has the pleasure to travel downwards memory lane with her contesting for animate being welfare & how she came to adopt her furkids. She even befriended a gorilla who learned sign language and slapped the tongue of a Great White Whale!

Betty even prefers the company of animals to people! ( Me too girlfriend, me too!)

She urges us all to live in the moment; the at present. Everyone can rest clinch that she made every 2nd count! She learned the hard mode in watching her begetter pass away at a mere 64.v when he had and so many plans in tail for when he retired at 65.

So nosotros shouldn't exist mourning her but instead celebrating that she fabricated the almost of her almost 100 years here. You can bet your bottom dollar that she was welcomed at the pearly gates by So MANY family & friends but not before beingness reunited with her furballs.

This book was exactly what I expected from Betty & so much more! Her personality & quick wit shone through the unabridged time. I only wished that it was longer! I highly recommend the audio version so that yous can hear her sweetness voice!

I LOLed so many times! ❤️

5 ⭐️.

...more than
Derek Oberg
May 09, 2011 rated it really liked it
My God, I love Betty White.

I already finished one book today, cracked into this i and found that I could non go to bed until I finished it.

Not so much a memoir (she's already written 5 of those), but more like little topics that she reviews. She'due south adorable.

A couple of things made me sad. A) In talking most historic period and how information technology shouldn't bother y'all, she says that Estelle Getty was TERRIFIED of getting onetime and sick, to the betoken that the writers of Aureate Girls had to be conscientious of the kind of jokes

My God, I dear Betty White.

I already finished one volume today, croaky into this one and found that I could not go to bed until I finished it.

Not so much a memoir (she's already written v of those), but more than like lilliputian topics that she reviews. She'south adorable.

A couple of things made me sad. A) In talking about age and how it shouldn't bother you, she says that Estelle Getty was TERRIFIED of getting one-time and ill, to the point that the writers of Gilded Girls had to be careful of the kind of jokes they wrote for her (heartbreaking since she was the first to dice, and suffered in a bed for something like vii years earlier going). B) Also on the topic of age, saying that she always assumed she'd be the FIRST of the Golden Girls to get because she'southward the oldest, and now she'southward the concluding left standing. And C) E'er the consumate beast lover, she says that she now just owns one dog. Why? Considering she's 89 years old, and has officially out-lived her last puppy. *lump in pharynx*

When Rue McClannahan died The Stranger reported on it with a remark at the terminate that I take not forgotten. To paraphrase it... "Have care of your precious self, Betty White. Nosotros're not ready yet to live in a earth entirely devoid of Gilded Girls."

...more than
Mike (the Paladin)
Who doesn't love Betty White? I mean does anyone really dislike her? If and then...why?

I can remember watching Betty White on Television when I was a child (sorry Betty but there aren't many performers I can nonetheless say that well-nigh) and she's merely a precipitous and simply as funny (unless of class she's doing drama) as she always was.

This book is more a book of quick reminiscences on her life and then comments on what's going on NOW in her life. We go a lot of vignettes about various parts of her life (I'd say especiall

Who doesn't honey Betty White? I hateful does anyone actually dislike her? If then...why?

I tin can think watching Betty White on Goggle box when I was a kid (deplorable Betty but there aren't many performers I can however say that well-nigh) and she's but a sharp and merely as funny (unless of course she's doing drama) as she ever was.

This volume is more a volume of quick reminiscences on her life then comments on what's going on Now in her life. We get a lot of vignettes about various parts of her life (I'd say peculiarly her relationships with animals).

Highly enjoyable and so....enjoy.

Ashley Marie
Oct 25, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
A very sugariness collection of stories. Betty's voice shines in her writing. If you need something upbeat and entertaining in these Covid times, I highly recommend this. A very sweet collection of stories. Betty's voice shines in her writing. If you demand something upbeat and entertaining in these Covid times, I highly recommend this. ...more
Mariah Roze
This was a beautiful story that took me very trivial time to read, because information technology is so curt. The book was curt, uncomplicated and cute. There wasn't anything really center-opening or super special about this book, but I did detect information technology interesting when she talked well-nigh her love for animals and all the volunteering and adopting of pets that she does.

This book was written like an interview.

A solid 3 stars.

This was a beautiful story that took me very footling fourth dimension to read, because information technology is so short. The book was short, simple and cute. There wasn't anything actually eye-opening or super special about this book, just I did find it interesting when she talked virtually her honey for animals and all the volunteering and adopting of pets that she does.

This book was written like an interview.

A solid iii stars.

...more than
Jamie-leigh Haughn
Information technology's Betty White, what's non to dearest! I listened to this on audiobook and it was fantastic, I loved hearing Betty talk about her experiences, she is a wonderful man. I would for sure recommend this volume for a little inspiration, some laughs, and for an overall enjoyable feel! It's Betty White, what's not to love! I listened to this on audiobook and it was fantastic, I loved hearing Betty talk nearly her experiences, she is a wonderful man being. I would for certain recommend this book for a petty inspiration, some laughs, and for an overall enjoyable experience! ...more
Some other celebrity memoir. I simply dear these on audio.

I listened to this little book today while I was cleaning my house and constitute it to exist very entertaining and even sweetness. Don't expect any mindblowing revelations about life or even her life but it was very nice to heed to. I got the feeling that fifty-fifty if there was goose egg in particular she wanted to bring across, Betty White only really likes to write. That'due south why she tells u.s. about some of her friends and co-workers, experiences in the evidence b

Another celebrity memoir. I just love these on audio.

I listened to this niggling book today while I was cleaning my house and found it to exist very entertaining and even sweet. Don't expect whatsoever mindblowing revelations about life or even her life but it was very nice to heed to. I got the feeling that fifty-fifty if at that place was nothing in particular she wanted to bring across, Betty White just actually likes to write. That'due south why she tells us about some of her friends and co-workers, experiences in the bear witness business, her animals. Basically, just was life has been like for her these by years.

I have loved Betty White since I used to watch her and the wonderful ensemble of ladies on The Golden Girls when I was only a child. Her character Rose was ever my favourite because she was then naive and sugariness (and funny, plain) just there was a lot more to her than initially met the heart.
In these past couple of years, Betty White seems to have become some sort of icon and if you lot have seen interviews with her, y'all know she is a delight. This woman is hilariously funny, quick-witted, and has impeccable comedic timing. She is as well a nifty animate being lover, and all in all seems like a genuinely nice person, who works hard but makes it look easy, doesn't take any nonsense, and is very downwards-to-earth.

So, summing up: I like Betty White, I liked this volume but it really was very short and didn't have a lot of "content" so to say. I guess I'll have to selection upward one of her other five or vi books if I want more Betty. ;)

Mar 10, 2016 rated it really liked information technology
Betty White reading a book by Betty White nigh Betty White's thoughts and memories, what's not to love. The acres, comedian, activist and cute human allow's her mind fly open and give usa some tidbits into her soul. She is a treat in this this to short novel. I didn't even finish weeding half my thou and the volume was washed :( Betty White reading a book by Betty White about Betty White'south thoughts and memories, what'southward not to love. The acres, comedian, activist and beautiful human allow'due south her listen wing open and requite usa some tidbits into her soul. She is a treat in this this to brusque novel. I didn't even finish weeding half my chiliad and the volume was done :( ...more
Book Concierge
From the book jacket - Seven-time Emmy winner Betty White's wit and wisdom have center stage as she tackles topics like friendship, romantic love, aging, idiot box, fans, love for animals, and the brave new earth of celebrity. My Reactions
I feel a little mean not liking this more. I love Betty White, and some of the essays in this volume are spot on perfect. But it's pretty lightweight in substance, and I felt a little like I was on one of those obligatory visits to an elderly relative when I was
From the volume jacket - Seven-time Emmy winner Betty White's wit and wisdom take middle stage every bit she tackles topics similar friendship, romantic love, crumbling, television, fans, dearest for animals, and the brave new world of celebrity. My Reactions
I feel a little mean non liking this more. I dearest Betty White, and some of the essays in this book are spot on perfect. But it's pretty lightweight in substance, and I felt a little like I was on i of those obligatory visits to an elderly relative when I was a child … I sat politely and tried not to fidget, but all I could recall of was when I'd exist able to go play. It'southward a very fast read, and includes several photos.

Yet, giving credit where credit is due, White is a lovely woman and has a keen sense of sense of humor. There were sections that were completely delightful. I'd beloved to have her at my table at a dinner party! It just didn't satisfy what I look for in a reading experience (yes, fifty-fifty from a celebrity memoir). I'll continue to lookout and enjoy her performances, merely I'll read something else.

...more than
A fun, short bit of Betty White's life. I didn't expect anything more than than a feel-good prepare of anecdotes & that's what was delivered. I hadn't realized she was and so into animal rescue & that was nice to detect out as were her times with Coco the gorilla & a couple of whales. Proficient stuff, kind of a quick typhoon of good clean fun to cleanse the palate from the last book I read. A fun, short bit of Betty White'due south life. I didn't look annihilation more than than a feel-good set of anecdotes & that's what was delivered. I hadn't realized she was so into fauna rescue & that was prissy to find out as were her times with Coco the gorilla & a couple of whales. Good stuff, kind of a quick typhoon of practiced make clean fun to cleanse the palate from the last book I read. ...more
Jan 10, 2018 rated it actually liked it
I love reading through comedians autobiographies, they are commonly so light and fun they are smashing breaks between really dark books – and I've hit a few of those recently.

Betty White is such a kind person, and then funny, I loved listening to her audiobook. Information technology's a really brusque book, the audio was only 2.5 hours long and since I listen at one.5X it went through in a little over an hour.

It didn't go into much most her childhood or anything really before she was on Golden Girls, nearly of it has to practise w

I love reading through comedians autobiographies, they are unremarkably so light and fun they are great breaks between really nighttime books – and I've hit a few of those recently.

Betty White is such a kind person, and and so funny, I loved listening to her audiobook. It's a really short book, the audio was only two.five hours long and since I listen at one.5X it went through in a little over an 60 minutes.

It didn't get into much virtually her babyhood or anything actually before she was on Golden Girls, most of it has to do with her recent commitments and her recent piece of work.

I dear getting to know peoples quirks and weird habits – and this book didn't leave me wanting.

She's an animate being fanatic, she's donated a ton of money to conservation and animal welfare and she refuses to exist a part of any movie with even the slightest flake of fauna abuse. Not even Every bit Good Equally It Gets – she turned down a office in that movie because a domestic dog is put down a garbage chute. The dog is fine, it's supposed to be a funny scene, but she didn't find information technology funny.

She also talks to her dolls. She has a huge collection of dolls and describes them equally her friends with their ain personalities. Honestly, that was bizarre to read virtually, but to each their ain – any makes you happy, girl!

I loved her story most how she got involved in Hot in Cleveland, she was only supposed to be in the pilot because her schedule was just so insane she couldn't arrive work for more episodes. But, she loved working with the cast and the director (I think) kept begging her to stay on for but a few more than episodes – and she ended upwards doing 124 episodes! Hard working adult female!

If you similar Betty White, and you lot desire a quick light audiobook or book to read through to cleanse the palate and articulate the listen, I do recommend this book. It'due south a book that will leave yous with warm fuzzies.

Final Score: 8/x

Mar 04, 2017 rated it it was ok
Betty has a pretty impressive resume. She's an actress, writer, comedian, puzzle solver, blimp fauna collector, animate being rights activist and has lived to see a lot of the globe change. However, this lighthearted memoir is just a pocket-sized piece of Betty.

2 stars on audio. 1 star content.

Betty has a pretty impressive resume. She's an actress, writer, comedian, puzzle solver, blimp animal collector, animate being rights activist and has lived to see a lot of the world change. Nevertheless, this lighthearted memoir is just a small piece of Betty.

2 stars on audio. 1 star content.

Amy Palmer
I promise this doesn't constitute cheating, but I didn't really read this book. It is in audio book format and I listened to it on a trip last weekend. What makes it super-awesome though, is that it was read by the writer herself, Betty White!

"If You Ask Me" is a collection of the author's thoughts on many different subjects. She talks almost Hollywood, health, and my favorite subject, pets. You lot really become to understand what a downward to world person Betty White is. She discusses the Mary Tyler Moore

I hope this doesn't constitute cheating, merely I didn't actually read this book. It is in audio book format and I listened to it on a trip last weekend. What makes it super-awesome though, is that it was read past the author herself, Betty White!

"If You Ask Me" is a collection of the author'southward thoughts on many different subjects. She talks about Hollywood, health, and my favorite subject, pets. Yous really get to understand what a down to earth person Betty White is. She discusses the Mary Tyler Moore Show, the Aureate Girls and Hot in Cleveland. You get to hear her feelings about Saturday Night Live and the Snickers commercial. There are tons of funny and touching stories!

I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy listening to a book, but I really did! One of the perks to an audio book is you know exactly what the author'due south inflection is. I oft wonder if I misread sure things and don't get the full understanding of what the writer is saying. Non so in this state of affairs. You get the story exactly equally it should exist told, not simply your interpretation of it as y'all read.

Whether you selection up the traditional book or the sound version, yous'll get wonderful insight from a funny lady who has seen a lot in her life!

...more than
Andrea Cox
It was really fun to hear these humorous and poignant anecdotes read by the author, who used her not bad sense of timing and easy style of expressing herself through each segment and story. This book was enjoyable and informative. It was neat to hear stories virtually Betty White from the various eras she's lived through. From the starting time of boob tube and her passion for animals to computers and friendships and her career, Betty White shares her centre and humor with the listener as if they were the c It was actually fun to hear these humorous and poignant anecdotes read by the writer, who used her great sense of timing and easy mode of expressing herself through each segment and story. This book was enjoyable and informative. It was neat to hear stories most Betty White from the various eras she'south lived through. From the beginning of television and her passion for animals to computers and friendships and her career, Betty White shares her heart and humor with the listener as if they were the closest of friends. She'south quirky and sweet and very caring, not to mention grateful for her experiences, career, and the people and animals around her. It was corking to get this within look at and so many different aspects of her life.

* a few of profanities
* a smidge of crudity
* a couple of sexual jokes

I enjoyed hearing Betty White narrate this book of disparate essays, sort of similar hearing your grandmother talk about her life, manipulate a little communication and perhaps chide y'all for sweating the minor stuff. There aren't any dandy revelations or aha moments, but yous can appreciate this adult female's joie de vivre and the gratitude she feels for a life well-lived.
May xv, 2014 rated it it was amazing
This lady is absolutely amazing and no one will tell me otherwise. How could I not give her v stars?

This happened

And information technology was the all-time twenty-four hours of my life.

This lady is absolutely amazing and no ane will tell me otherwise. How could I not requite her 5 stars?

This happened

And it was the best twenty-four hour period of my life.

Feb 26, 2020 rated it really liked it
Betty White is a treasure! Golden Girls is i of my favorite shows that still I will put on in the background for comfort. I ended up doing the same with Hot in Cleveland also simply not as much as Golden Girls. I dearest Betty White's downwardly to Earth views and also her dedication to animals. I admittedly recommend this book to anyhow wanting some quick, funny, and comforting laughs. The Robert Redford comment had me giggling out loud. Great footling book and wish it were longer!
Betty White was an American five-fourth dimension Emmy Award-winning picture and television extra with a career spanning sixty years. She also appeared in radio programs, movies, theater, commercials, and was besides a talk show and game show host. White is peradventure best known for her roles in the sitcoms The Mary Tyler Moore Show and The Gilt Girls.

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Bossy, bumbly, and Betty! Humor books from 2011 until today have unpacked experiences from everyday hilarity to the outright uncomfortable...
"Animals don't prevarication. Animals don't criticize. If animals take moody days, they handle them better than humans do." — 206 likes
"If one has no sense of humour, one is in trouble." — 169 likes
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